
Creating Klarity is part of a collaboration of Healers that reside on the Monterey Peninsula known as AcuBloom.

Services provided by AcuBloom’s specialists :

Chinese Herbology
Chinese herbal medicine has a long history reaching back several thousand years, and the resulting system is now used to treat everything from the common cold to certain imbalances related to cancer.

Acupuncture Uses hair-thin, flexible needles, inserted into specific points on the body to activate the body's own healing powers.

Moxibustion Stimulates circulation, counteracts cold and dampness in the body, and promotes the smooth flow of blood and qi. This safe, non-invasive technique may be used alone, but it is generally used in conjunction with acupuncture treatment.

Tui na Tui na is particularly effective for conditions involving muscles, tendons, and joints, such as structural misalignment, orthopedic problems, and sports injuries. It can also be used to treat internal diseases.

Cupping Brings fresh blood to the area and helps improve circulation.

Qigong Is a safe and gentle meditative exercise that promotes healing of the mind and body.

Clinical Hypnotherapy Facilitates your self-awareness, assist you in developing a plan of action, and educates you about the power of mind over matter. Use a recorded custom meditation to reprogram your brain.

Naturopathic Medicine Naturopathy, or naturopathic medicine, is a form of alternative medicine. It aims to improve health and prevent disease and illness through the use of organic foods and exercise; a healthy, balanced lifestyle; and the use of Ayurvedic, homeopathic, and herbal therapies.

For more information on services provided by AcuBloom please visit: